Once upon a time,
            There lay a beast in the shine.
            Significant was his rotund belly,
            Chock full of gelatine and slime.
            He beckoned to the moon,
            Requesting her might for a boon.
            "I wish I had an attractive visage,
            Capabale of making the fairies swoon."
            The Moon, in all her philanthropic glory,
            Mended what mortal would describe as gory.
            "Here ye gather, my handsome hobgoblin.
            Ne'er will you face the devil of rejection" swore she.
            But alas, as it turned out, the malignant creature,
            Was not satisfied with this newly attained feature.
            Much alike the toddler he thre a tantrum,
            "Grant me wealth illimited, 0 noble preacher."
            The Moon, in all her benevolent demeanor,
            Conjured a charm like the sorceress they deemed her.
            Much like the blessing Midas once cursed,
            The riches of the beast would grow no meaner.
            The alluring asinine, with wealth and beauty abound,
            Still couldn't fathom why his satisfaction proved unsound,
            In his hopeless sorrow he let out a cry,
            "0 Radiant One, help make my happiness found"
            The Moon, in all her wondrous wisefulness,
            Knew the cure to the depressed creature's illness.
            In a magnificent display of witchcraft and wizardry,
            She summoned the solution with absolute finesse.
            It's might being too potent for mortal scene,
            It's appearance resembled that of a spleen.
            That lay the case until the arrival of The Observer,
            Whose only remark was, "This [redacted] eating beans"